Technology in Japan

Technology in Japan


Technology in Japan

(And our story)

When we talk about Japanese technology it has a diverse meaning in various prospects

For example:

  1. Motor parts – Every part is examined and manufactured digitally
  2. IT industry – Every process is managed digitally
  3. Games – Games made with high precision to make users feel it’s alive
  4. Language and culture – Even technology plays a major role in linguistics
  5. Travel and tourism – Travel gear and maps are made for your flawless trip
  6. MNCs – They want to hire every single engineer who can code and deliver

For beginners, it’s good to be involved or learn lots of things while entering Japan because we can get into a different Zone or indifferent world when we get a chance to get lots of things, especially Japanese technology. If you want to be familiar with Japanese technology there are a few things you can learn and also you might get interested in learning Japanese language and make your career here.

Laptops in Tokyo, Japan

Laptop in Japan

As we all know Japanese are much faster and ahead of the rest of the world in every field because they do not want to spend more time on those works which can be done in lesser time. This ideology is reflected in their products. No wonder Japanese products are famous worldwide for their life, accuracy, and quality. So are there computer devices like laptops, desktops, and WiFi? For example, you can see a portable WiFi device in their pocket that can be pasted like a magnet to the laptop and is as small as a matchbox. Internet speed is fast and is available throughout the city. Laptops are too made in a way that the brands like Fujitsu, Panasonic, Dynabook, NEC, Toshiba, and Sony Vaio have made their names globally.

Our journey in Akihabara, Tokyo


We were 3 friends and now we will talk about our journey in Japan for the first time when we got to know about the technology and culture of Japan. We were pretty surprised when we saw the way they work. We visited in a very small market to buy a laptop in Japan in “Akihabara” which is a famous area in Tokyo city wherein we can get the best offers or the best manufacturing for any technology so we decided to visit. Trust me when I entered a showroom to buy a laptop and to know the capacity or I would say the processor of that laptop. That shopkeeper over there who described in such a way wherein only a certified engineer can understand because he told me each and everything in and out for the processing system. Everyone especially an outsider will agree to buy it even if that person has ample knowledge of the system because the way they describe it is very remarkable.

When I visited the Japanese toy market then I found all the fashionable and ultramodern toys for children that can be invented in our country however we need more occupancy and new thoughts here. Moreover what I feel is that without a very high-end technology no such a kind of toy can be made. So out of curiosity, I asked the shop attendant there about the manufacturing of the toy with built-in internet, also, why they are so expensive. So I was amazed by the explanation that these are manufactured by well-renowned companies getting nice feedback for their products and also they have large teams with modern and traditional ways blended to make the products so unique that only this kind of detailed care can be found in Japanese products only.

Even in Osaka

osaka japan

We all the way went to Osaka to find the differences and similarities among the product-building technology in Japanese companies. There are huge markets and excellent product building modern ways that are considered world-class quality by standard authorities. Osaka has way better and excellent production areas which deliver not only to Japan but to the whole world. They export more than half of the whole Japan’s export volume to neighboring countries and to the west also. So while viewing the technology and products market from our own experience, it was evident that no wonder the Japanese have this world-famous reputation of being a market leader and trendsetters.

Japanese Language

japanese language

Likewise, it is always recommended for a Japanese language learner to experience Japan with his own eyes and not just learn about Japanese culture and technology by looking at videos only. Now you can understand the importance of learning Japanese language since it can open doors for you to work in Japanese MNCs and visit Japan through your Job in Japanese and view their culture with your own presence, enjoying Japanese food and being in the middle of Japanese technology.

You can always start studying the Japanese language by visiting and get all the courses and Japanese lessons right from the beginning no matter whether you know anything in Japanese, everything there is explained in audio and pictorial lessons for your ease. All the best!


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